Diseases of the Jaw

Jaw Conditions – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

diseases of the jaw campbelltown

Diseases of the Jaw Campbelltown

Strong teeth and gums are not the only essential components of a healthy mouth. The health of our jaws is also vital.

Dental issues with our jaws can range from jawbone infection to TMJ conditions.

At Marketfair Dental Care, we recommend that you pay attention to the condition of your jaws in the same way you do your teeth and gums.

It’s crucial to keep every region of your mouth free from problems and diseases to achieve excellent oral health.

Jaw problems include

  • Dislocations
  • Fractures
  • Oral cancers
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
  • Osteonecrosis (happens when your bones lose their blood supply)

Treatment for jaw problems relies on the underlying reason.

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Symptoms of Jaw Diseases

Problems with the jaw lead to discomfort and dysfunction in the jaw and face, which can produce various symptoms. The symptoms can differ from person to person.

Symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders include:
  • Uneven bite
  • Difficulty opening and closing mouth
  • Chewing difficulty or discomfort
  • Jaw pain or tenderness
  • Earache
  • Facial pain
  • Headache

Contact your Campbelltown dentist immediately if you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms.

Treatment includes eliminating the infection’s origin, typically through root canal treatment.

Although antibiotics are rarely used for tooth infections, they may be beneficial in some situations. A tooth extraction may be required in more severe circumstances.

Treatments for Jaw Conditions

Depending on the precise cause of your jaw disease, various therapies might be recommended.

Treatment options  may include:

  • Use of antibiotics to fight infections
  • Biofeedback and behavioural therapy
  • Muscle-relaxing medicine
  • Pain-control medicine
  • Surgery to remove tumours, drain abscesses, or repair defects
  • Use of nightguards, splints, or other safety equipment
improve your jaw condition campbelltown

Improve your Jaw Condition

In addition to following your healthcare provider’s recommendations and taking any recommended drugs, you can alleviate the symptoms of several jaw disorders by:

  • Using heat or cold packs to relieve pain
  • Avoiding foods that are sticky or chewy
  • Cutting food into small pieces
  • Eating soft foods
  • Practising relaxation techniques
  • Stretching and massage

Diseases of the Jaw in Campbelltown

Marketfair Dental Care guarantees safe and effective dental and jaw care.

We provide customised treatments tailored only for you!

At Marketfair Dental Care, we treat all our patients as we would our families by using the most appropriate and cost-effective solutions.

Visit your Campbelltown dentist today!

Call (02) 4620 0800 or make your appointment online.

We are located at Marketfair Campbelltown Shop 21B, 4 Tindall St in Campbelltown.


What are some jaw diseases?

These disorders include jaw fracture, TMJ disease, misaligned teeth, jaw clenching, dislocated jaw, bruxism (teeth grinding), and wisdom tooth impaction. Periodontal disease, tooth abscess, jawbone cancer, and cleft palate are examples of other jaw problems.

How can the temporomandibular joint disorder be prevented?
Reduce your stress levels and try not to grind/clench your teeth.
How do I relieve stress on my jaw and prevent TMD?

Maintain a calm expression by keeping your lips together and your teeth apart. Regularly massage your jaw, cheekbones, and temples.

How is TMD treated?

TMD symptoms can occasionally be treated on one’s own at home. This involves limiting jaw movements, consuming soft foods, using an ice pack to alleviate swelling, and performing stretching exercises.

How do you know if your jawbone is deteriorating?
Jawbone loss symptoms:

  • Changes to your facial structure or bite.
  • Facial feature distortion
  • Chewing causes pain.
  • Your mouth begins to develop wrinkles.
  • Your teeth are shifting.
  • Headaches, facial pain, and jaw pain are all common symptoms.
  • Insufficient lip support.
  • Speaking difficulties.
Are dental abscesses dangerous?

A dental abscess won’t create severe issues if treated properly, but if it is ignored or treated incorrectly, it may result in potentially serious complications.