Broken Tooth

Same-Day Dental Emergency Appointment Available in Campbelltown

Broken Tooth Campbelltown

Even though teeth are one of the human body’s most resilient parts, they are still susceptible to breaking or cracking.

It’s frequently the first sign of a broken or cracked tooth when we notice something too crunchy in our food or when our tongues touch the sharp edge of a damaged tooth.

broken tooth campbelltown
A cracked tooth may not show symptoms other than pain when biting or sensitivity to cold foods and beverages.

Until we eat something very soft and the side of the tooth falls off, we may be completely unaware that we have fractures in our teeth.

However, you shouldn’t be alarmed if a physical injury, an unnoticed crack, or a missing filling causes your tooth to break. Maintain as much cleanliness as possible, and steer clear of cold or hot foods because they might irritate you.

Refrain from chewing with that tooth if you don’t want any more tooth structure to break. Your Campbelltown dentist can be contacted to make an appointment as soon as possible.

When should you visit the dentist?

A broken tooth is an injury that must be dealt with immediately. Fortunately, your emergency dentist for

Campbelltown at Marketfair Dental Care is open seven days a week. In the meantime:

  1. Using warm water, rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  2. If areas are bleeding, apply pressure until they stop.
  3. Use a cold pack on the affected area to reduce swelling and numb the pain.
  4. Take painkillers.

Broken Tooth Treatments

broken tooth treatments campbelltown
At Marketfair Dental Care, we are Campbelltown’s Emergency dentist, treating broken tooth using various methods. Our method will be chosen according to your specific break and tailored to suit you.

For small breaks:


Similar to the substances we use to fill cavities, our fillings match your teeth’ colour and are tough, durable, and long-lasting. They can be fitted and sorted in a single sitting and will last as long as you do.
For larger breaks:


A crown is positioned on top of the remaining tooth and is affixed there. Tough and reliable, crowns are typically made of porcelain or gold.


Lie in front of the tooth and are often used to fill spaces resulting from your break. They can be individual to the stricken tooth or can be employed throughout larger areas.

Broken Tooth Prevention

A broken tooth is not always preventable, but there are some ways to help:

  • Do not clench your teeth.
  • Avoid difficult-to-chew foods like hard candies, pork crackling, unpopped popcorn kernels, and other similar items.
  • Stop engaging in behaviours that can cause tooth decay, such as grinding your teeth or chewing on pens.
  • When playing sports, wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth.
  • Speak to your Campbelltown dentist about using a mouthguard at night if you experience bruxism (teeth grinding).

Marketfair Dental Care is here to help you.

Book your appointment now. Campbelltown’s emergency dentists are open 7 days.

dental emergency banner home campbelltown

Marketfair Dental Care for Broken Tooth

Your Campbelltown dentist provides fast and effective emergency dental care for any patient in pain.

At Marketfair Dental Care, we treat all our patients as we would our families by using the most appropriate and cost-effective solutions.

Visit your Campbelltown dentist today!

Same-Day Dental Emergency Appointment Available in Campbelltown

Call us at (02) 4620 0800 or make an appointment online.

We are located at Marketfair Campbelltown Shop 21B, 4 Tindall St in Campbelltown.


What causes a tooth to break?

Common causes include falling, getting hurt, or chewing a piece of tough food. Some people are more likely to break a tooth, and common risk factors include grinding one’s teeth, having poor oral health, and having previously had cavities.

Is fixing a broken tooth necessary?

YES! Dental emergencies like a broken tooth call for urgent medical care. The tooth needs to be fixed even if it doesn’t bother you.

An untreated broken tooth can have serious consequences, including infection, excruciating pain, and difficulty chewing and drinking.

Additionally, the less likely dentists will be able to save a tooth, the longer it is left untreated.